Zinnia Blue Ribbon Bouquet
These lovely dahlia-flowered zinnias are wonderful cut flowers for summer long bouquets, and bees and butterflies of all kinds love to visit them. Blooming nonstop with long stemmed, densely petaled fully double flowers, they will stand up to summer rain and heat. Their radiant clear colors delight the eye in warm scarlet, bright orange, sunny yellow, pure white, rose pink and rich magenta. Plants bloom early and last all season until frost.
Quick Info
May – June
April – June
Full sun
2 – 3 inches apart
1/2 nch deep
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Sow seeds in a well-worked seed bed in full sun when danger of frost is past and nighttime temperatures are reliably above 50°F (10°C). Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart, cover about 1/2 inch deep and gently firm soil. Keep soil evenly moist while awaiting germination.

Zinnia Blue Ribbon Bouquet
These lovely dahlia-flowered zinnias are wonderful cut flowers for summer long bouquets, and bees and butterflies of all kinds love to visit them. Blooming nonstop with long stemmed, densely petaled fully double flowers, they will stand up to summer rain and heat. Their radiant clear colors delight the eye in warm scarlet, bright orange, sunny yellow, pure white, rose pink and rich magenta. Plants bloom early and last all season until frost.
Quick Info
May – June
April – June
Full sun
2 – 3 inches apart
1/2 nch deep
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Sow seeds in a well-worked seed bed in full sun when danger of frost is past and nighttime temperatures are reliably above 50°F (10°C). Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart, cover about 1/2 inch deep and gently firm soil. Keep soil evenly moist while awaiting germination.