The Christmas Spirit Bouquet
Red roses and mini carnations, white roses and frosted pinecones are beautifully presented in our bright red cube vase. Send an uplifting message to someone you care about this holiday season with this Christmas Spirit Bouquet!
The Christmas Spirit Bouquet
Red roses and mini carnations, white roses and frosted pinecones are beautifully presented in our bright red cube vase. Send an uplifting message to someone you care about this holiday season with this Christmas Spirit Bouquet!
Customer Reviews
Christmas bouquet
We wanted to send flowers to our friends in Kalamazoo. We search flower shops in Kalamazoo and chose Wedel’s because it looked like a “Mom & Pop’s” flower shop that has been around for a long time. They did not disappoint. The flowers were fresh and the bouquet was full. Would order from them again! Thank you, Wedel’s.