Sunflower Paintbox Bouquet, Organic
Paintbox Bouquet
(Helianthus annuus)
Quick Info
May – June
April – July
Full sun
1/2 Inch deep
4 – 5 inches apart
8 – 10 days
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Plant in full sun in good garden soil when weather is warm and settled, all danger of frost is past and both days and nights are evenly in the 50°F (10°C) range. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1/2 in. deep, 4 to 5 in. apart. Press soil firmly over seeds and keep moist until seedlings emerge in 8 to 10 days. Important: when seedlings are well-established, thin them to a final spacing of 1 foot apart so plants can grow sturdy stalks and big flowers. Extra seedlings can be transplanted easily.
Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds ½ inch deep in individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are well established and ready to plant outside. Transplant carefully, disturbing the roots as little as possible. Space seedlings 1 foot apart so plants will have room to grow and mature.

Sunflower Paintbox Bouquet, Organic
Paintbox Bouquet
(Helianthus annuus)
Quick Info
May – June
April – July
Full sun
1/2 Inch deep
4 – 5 inches apart
8 – 10 days
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Plant in full sun in good garden soil when weather is warm and settled, all danger of frost is past and both days and nights are evenly in the 50°F (10°C) range. Poke seeds into well-worked soil about 1/2 in. deep, 4 to 5 in. apart. Press soil firmly over seeds and keep moist until seedlings emerge in 8 to 10 days. Important: when seedlings are well-established, thin them to a final spacing of 1 foot apart so plants can grow sturdy stalks and big flowers. Extra seedlings can be transplanted easily.
Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds ½ inch deep in individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix. Keep moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are well established and ready to plant outside. Transplant carefully, disturbing the roots as little as possible. Space seedlings 1 foot apart so plants will have room to grow and mature.