Stovall Country Squire Peak Roof House
Country squire peak roof house with predator guard has a 1 ½” universal entrance. Western Red Cedar with front clean out. This house is great for wrens, black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, white-breasted nuthatches, violet-green swallows, bluebirds or tree swallows. It also has groves in wood below entrance for young birds learning to exit. All Stovall products are hand-sanded and crafted with pride in Michigan.

Stovall Country Squire Peak Roof House
Country squire peak roof house with predator guard has a 1 ½” universal entrance. Western Red Cedar with front clean out. This house is great for wrens, black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, white-breasted nuthatches, violet-green swallows, bluebirds or tree swallows. It also has groves in wood below entrance for young birds learning to exit. All Stovall products are hand-sanded and crafted with pride in Michigan.