Pea Super Sugar Snap
Super Sugar Snap
The best variety of sugar snaps to eat whole when peas are round and ripe and pod walls are sweet, thick and juicy – you’ll be tempted to eat them all right off the plants! Super Sugar Snap vines grow 5 feet tall with larger, longer pods than other snap peas, good heat tolerance, plus pea roll and powdery mildew resistance. Tops for vigor, productivity and melt-in-your-mouth sweet taste, Super Sugar Snaps are wonderful eating raw or very quickly cooked.
Quick Info
Mar. – May
July – Aug.
Full sun
1 inch
2 – 3 inches
7 – 10 days
In early to mid-spring, plant peas in full sun in well-worked, fertile soil. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart in wide rows or bands 3 inches across, spacing the wide rows 2 feet apart. Provide supports for these 5 foot vines at planting time. Protect from marauding birds with netting or floating row covers if necessary. Wet and cold early spring weather may affect germination so if first sowing doesn’t germinate evenly, replant right away as new seedlings catch up quickly. Sow again for a fall crop about 2 1/2 months before first expected fall frost.
Harvest only when peas are mature and round in the thick-walled, juicy pods for the best developed flavor. Savor their sweet crunch fresh from the garden (kids especially love them!) as a snack or slice into salads. To cook quickly, pull strings from pods and sauté in a little oil just until pods turn a deeper green color.

Pea Super Sugar Snap
Super Sugar Snap
The best variety of sugar snaps to eat whole when peas are round and ripe and pod walls are sweet, thick and juicy – you’ll be tempted to eat them all right off the plants! Super Sugar Snap vines grow 5 feet tall with larger, longer pods than other snap peas, good heat tolerance, plus pea roll and powdery mildew resistance. Tops for vigor, productivity and melt-in-your-mouth sweet taste, Super Sugar Snaps are wonderful eating raw or very quickly cooked.
Quick Info
Mar. – May
July – Aug.
Full sun
1 inch
2 – 3 inches
7 – 10 days
In early to mid-spring, plant peas in full sun in well-worked, fertile soil. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart in wide rows or bands 3 inches across, spacing the wide rows 2 feet apart. Provide supports for these 5 foot vines at planting time. Protect from marauding birds with netting or floating row covers if necessary. Wet and cold early spring weather may affect germination so if first sowing doesn’t germinate evenly, replant right away as new seedlings catch up quickly. Sow again for a fall crop about 2 1/2 months before first expected fall frost.
Harvest only when peas are mature and round in the thick-walled, juicy pods for the best developed flavor. Savor their sweet crunch fresh from the garden (kids especially love them!) as a snack or slice into salads. To cook quickly, pull strings from pods and sauté in a little oil just until pods turn a deeper green color.