Opening Day Viburnum
We carry 100+ varieties of trees available in-store. However due to the ever-changing inventory, we're not able to have all of them available online. Please call us at 269-345-1195 to check inventory
Viburnum plicatum 'PIIVIB-II'
With perfectly round, baseball-size flowers in April, we couldn't resist calling this beacon of spring Opening Day™. Compact plants are covered with, snowball-like flowers that open with a tinge of green and quickly mature to pure white. Plants are tight in habit with dark green foliage that turns beautiful shades of cabernet in the fall. The deeply corrugated foliage is spring green and flawless through the growing season. Easy and fast to produce, this should be a production staple. Bred by Plant Introductions, Inc. (CPBRAF)

Opening Day Viburnum
Viburnum plicatum 'PIIVIB-II'
With perfectly round, baseball-size flowers in April, we couldn't resist calling this beacon of spring Opening Day™. Compact plants are covered with, snowball-like flowers that open with a tinge of green and quickly mature to pure white. Plants are tight in habit with dark green foliage that turns beautiful shades of cabernet in the fall. The deeply corrugated foliage is spring green and flawless through the growing season. Easy and fast to produce, this should be a production staple. Bred by Plant Introductions, Inc. (CPBRAF)