Exotic and tropical-looking Hyacinth Bean vines flaunt gorgeous sprays of amethyst and violet blossoms, borne on striking purple stems throughout warm summer weather. The rich hued flowers mature into shiny, flat 3-inch pods that hang like purple patent leather ornaments against the dense canopy of twining foliage. These show-stopping climbers win the admiring attention of all our garden visitors.
April – June
Full sun
1 inch
6 inches
7 – 10 days
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
In late spring once weather is warm and settled and nights stay above 50°F (10°C), plant seeds in a sunny spot in ordinary garden soil 6 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Firm soil over seeds. Keep seedlings well weeded and watered.
Sow indoors 4 weeks before last expected frost in individual pots of seed starting mix. Cover 1 inch deep and keep warm and moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 10 days. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outdoors.
Transplant very carefully once nights stay above 50°F (10°C) before plants get too crowded. Space seedlings 6 to 8 inches apart. Avoid disturbing roots as much as possible when transplanting.
Exotic and tropical-looking Hyacinth Bean vines flaunt gorgeous sprays of amethyst and violet blossoms, borne on striking purple stems throughout warm summer weather. The rich hued flowers mature into shiny, flat 3-inch pods that hang like purple patent leather ornaments against the dense canopy of twining foliage. These show-stopping climbers win the admiring attention of all our garden visitors.
April – June
Full sun
1 inch
6 inches
7 – 10 days
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
In late spring once weather is warm and settled and nights stay above 50°F (10°C), plant seeds in a sunny spot in ordinary garden soil 6 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Firm soil over seeds. Keep seedlings well weeded and watered.
Sow indoors 4 weeks before last expected frost in individual pots of seed starting mix. Cover 1 inch deep and keep warm and moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 10 days. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outdoors.
Transplant very carefully once nights stay above 50°F (10°C) before plants get too crowded. Space seedlings 6 to 8 inches apart. Avoid disturbing roots as much as possible when transplanting.