Cucumber Bush Slicer
Bush Slicer
Seed Count: Approx. 15-20 / Weight: 500 mg / F-1 Hybrid
Quick Info
April - June
April - June
Full sun
4 inches apart 1 inch deep
5 - 10 days
Plant heat loving cucumbers only when spring weather is warmed and night temperatures are consistently above 55°F (13°C). Amend soil well with aged manure or compost. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in slightly mounded hills that are 3 feet apart, sowing 4 or 5 seeds in each hill. Thin to the 3 strongest seedlings in each hill so plants have room to grow and mature.
Sow seed directly into containers 4 inches from edges. When plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, thin carefully to strongest seedlings. Final spacing should be one plant per pot 12 inches deep and 12 inches across or 2 plants in a larger container at least 18 inches across. For larger planters, grow plants at final spacing of 8 to10 inches apart.
Protect seedlings from marauding birds with plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded. Feed every other week. A good mulch will aid shallow rooted cucumber plants, which require ample and consistent moisture in hot dry weather. Avoid overly wet or dry periods for good quality fruit. In hot dry weather, check and water plants in containers daily.
Keep all mature cucumbers picked; fruits left on vines will signal the plant to stop producing. Cut rather than pull fruits from vines. Slice them up for refreshing snacks, salads and sandwiches. Eat within a day or two of picking for best taste and quality.

Cucumber Bush Slicer
Bush Slicer
Seed Count: Approx. 15-20 / Weight: 500 mg / F-1 Hybrid
Quick Info
April - June
April - June
Full sun
4 inches apart 1 inch deep
5 - 10 days
Plant heat loving cucumbers only when spring weather is warmed and night temperatures are consistently above 55°F (13°C). Amend soil well with aged manure or compost. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in slightly mounded hills that are 3 feet apart, sowing 4 or 5 seeds in each hill. Thin to the 3 strongest seedlings in each hill so plants have room to grow and mature.
Sow seed directly into containers 4 inches from edges. When plants are 3 to 4 inches tall, thin carefully to strongest seedlings. Final spacing should be one plant per pot 12 inches deep and 12 inches across or 2 plants in a larger container at least 18 inches across. For larger planters, grow plants at final spacing of 8 to10 inches apart.
Protect seedlings from marauding birds with plastic berry baskets, removing before plants get crowded. Feed every other week. A good mulch will aid shallow rooted cucumber plants, which require ample and consistent moisture in hot dry weather. Avoid overly wet or dry periods for good quality fruit. In hot dry weather, check and water plants in containers daily.
Keep all mature cucumbers picked; fruits left on vines will signal the plant to stop producing. Cut rather than pull fruits from vines. Slice them up for refreshing snacks, salads and sandwiches. Eat within a day or two of picking for best taste and quality.