We carry 100+ varieties of trees available in-store. However due to the ever-changing inventory, we're not able to have all of them available online. Please call us at 269-345-1195 to check inventory
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred'
Drought tolerance and exceptionally bright red fall color are hallmarks of this popular and proven performer. A hybrid of Red and Silver Maple, this vigorous grower combines the best attributes of both in a stately, adaptable, fast growing shade tree.
Height: 50 feet
Spread: 40 feet
Shape: Upright branching, broadly oval
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Color: Brilliant Orange-red, long lasting
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred'
Drought tolerance and exceptionally bright red fall color are hallmarks of this popular and proven performer. A hybrid of Red and Silver Maple, this vigorous grower combines the best attributes of both in a stately, adaptable, fast growing shade tree.
Height: 50 feet
Spread: 40 feet
Shape: Upright branching, broadly oval
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Color: Brilliant Orange-red, long lasting